Mar 21st 2019
Thanks to the fantastically generous support of local people and organisations we are thrilled to announce that we have reached our £1.5million MRI Scanner Campaign target.
We’ve been amazed, humbled and delighted by the response of local people from across our community who have donated, fundraised and volunteered in record numbers since we launched the campaign in November 2017. We are hugely grateful for every single donation which will enable us to buy a second MRI Scanner for Salisbury District Hospital and build a purpose designed scanning suite. You can read more about how this will help improve healthcare for tens of thousands of local people here
What happens next and what is the Stars Appeal fundraising for now.
Plans are in place to order the Scanner and commence wok on the building in which it will operate. The NHS will pick up all running costs for the new scanner, so any additional donations the MRI Scanner Campaign will help the Stars Appeal to enhance care for local people further.
We will now be focusing on raising an additional £1million this year to fund a range of projects that will help thousands of local people in Hospital every week to get better faster, return home sooner and have more positive hospital experience. You can read about these projects here
We believe that every patient, and their loved ones, deserve the best possible care during their time at Salisbury District Hospital and we look to enhance the excellent work of the NHS further in order to achieve this. The second MRI Scanner will do just this. On behalf of all the patients who will benefit from your generosity, our most sincere thanks once again.