Holding your own event is a great way to support the Stars Appeal. Do what interests you, invite everyone you know to take part and all have a brilliant time knowing that you are changing the lives of local people!
Here are some ideas to get you started:
- Bake sale – Make like Mary Berry and bake your way to fundraising success
- Quiz night – The pub, village hall, local sports centre and your best mate’s garden are all venues suitable for hosting a quiz
- Coffee mornings – Most people rely on a coffee to get them through the day so hosting a coffee morning is a great way to fundraise
- Dances / Disco – You don’t need access to a ballroom and moves for Strictly to host a dance (but if you do that’s great) you just need space and music to move to. Will you host your dance at home or will your hire a local venue?
- Football match – Even if you don’t score, this is one match that guarantees you’ll make a difference in 90 minutes
- Open Garden / Day – If your garden is in full bloom or you have a house with a colourful history, why not open your doors for an entry fee and host an open house
- Vintage – Got enough vintage shirts to set up your own stall? Got an eye for finding furniture gems online and at car boots? Why not organise your own vintage sale
- Job swap – sponsor your manager to do a stint on reception
You can set up an online sponsorship/donation page through Justgiving
We’ve also produced a fundraising pack which is full of great advice and ideas.
Click here for a fundraising pack and other helpful resources
Steps to supporting the Stars Appeal
1. Contact us and let us know your plans. We can provide you with our ‘fundraising in aid of’ logo, leaflets, collection boxes/buckets, donation envelopes, t-shirts, bunting, signage. Click here to download a Fundraising Pack and other helpful resources.
2. Set up your own fundraising/donation page with a target and details of your activity. All money donated online comes directly through to us.
3. Tag us in any of your social media posts and pictures (our social links are at the bottom of the page)
4. Once your fundraising is complete:
- Contact us to let us know that your fundraising is complete so that we may acknowledge your kind support.
- Post any cheques and paper sponsor forms in to us using the details here. Please do not put cash in the post. Remember to provide us with the details of the fund you are wishing to support, your reason for supporting us, and your full contact details so that we may acknowledge your kind support.
- We love meeting our supporters so please let us know if you would like to arrange to have a photo with our presentation cheque!
Thank you so much for your support.
Thank you for supporting us. Please use our ‘in aid of’ logo in all your promotional materials (available here) and please be aware that you are responsible for organising all aspects of your fundraising and that the Stars Appeal cannot accept any liability relating to your fundraising. Thank you.