Make your donation

With your support we can do more to help patients at Salisbury Hospital and the NHS staff who care for them…

Make a donation online here:

Make a monthly donation Make a single donation

Please note JustGiving do not charge platform fees to process your donation. They ask for an optional tip which you can easily set to £0.00 by clicking on ‘enter custom amount’.

Should you wish, you can direct your donation to support a specific ward, department or project. Please indicate this in the ‘Add a message of support’ box by stating I would like my donation to be used for the benefit of.... Otherwise please just leave this box blank and we’ll put your donation towards our wide ranging work benefiting patients across the hospital. 

We’d also love to know if you have a special reason for making your donation and, if you have been fundraising, how the money was raised. Again please let us know in the ‘Add a message of support’ box.

Because we are a small charity, we use JustGiving’s Giving Checkout service to collect our online donations and Gift Aid. They will keep your details safe and not pass them on to anyone but us, unless you have opted to remain anonymous.

Make a monthly or single donation by cheque or bank transfer

You can download a printable Gift Aid donation form for single and regular gifts here.

Please make your cheque payable to The Stars Appeal and send to:
The Stars Appeal
Salisbury District Hospital

To transfer your donation directly into our bank account, or to set up a standing order from your online banking, please contact us for our bank details.

Download a donation form

Come and see us…

If you have cash to drop off or if you’d just prefer to present your donation to us in person, we’d love to see you. Please contact us to arrange a time that suits.

Donate in memory

Celebrate the life of a loved one while supporting our vital work by making a donation or creating an online tribute page.

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Leave a gift in your Will

Legacy gifts make up over a third of our funding. Your gift will help thousands of local people at your hospital in Salisbury.

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