Feb 9th 2017
This is Mr Peter Goddard from Salisbury, the lucky winner of a brand new car that was top prize in our big Christmas Raffle!
Here he is receiving the keys from George Chalke of FJ Chalke & Vale Motors who kindly supply the car at a discounted price.
Our huge thanks to everyone who bought or helped to sell tickets for the Christmas Raffle and raised a marvellous £26,500.
This is a great start towards the £1million we need to raise this year to fund projects like:
- The latest medical equipment
- Free Stars Appeal Wi-Fi
- Support groups for cancer patients
- Free accommodation for parents of sick children and babies
- Aromatherapy on the Pembroke Unit, Labour ward, Farley Stroke Unit and other areas
- Staff wellbeing and support
- Recreational activities for Spinal Unit patients
- Engage and Elevate programmes
- Stars Appeal Changing Faces Practitioner
- Hospital Chaplaincy
- The Benson Suite
- An enhanced, child focused Children’s Unit
- Artcare